Our Day at Holyport Pre-School
9.00am-Good Morning!
Children are welcomed and greeted into the setting. Children can participate in many free flow activities that we have on offer, such as mark making and creative art activities in the messy play area, dressing up and role play in the home corner, reading, music and story telling in the book corner, small world toys such as dinosaurs, cars, animals, sensory play in with sand, water, play dough as well as lots of other exciting resources that are rotated on a regular basis.
10.30/45am- Snack Time!
Children sit together with staff to enjoy a healthy prepared snack and drink. Children learn to pour their own drinks, use cutlery, chose their own snack and socialise with their friends. Children then help to clear away their snack items and clean the tables.
11.00am- Story Time/Bucket Time!
The children join in with an adult led group activity such as bucket time or story time. The children sing songs and share ideas and events from their personal lives with the group. This helps develop their listening and understanding skills, speech and language, turn taking, maths skills and personal relationships.
11.30am/11.45am- Outdoor Play!
Before home time (or lunch time if the children are attending the lunch session) we focus on outdoor play. Children are able to try and get their own coats and shoes on to promote school readiness and independence. During warmer weather the garden is accessible throughout the morning and afternoon session with free flow indoor and outdoor play. The garden has a wide range of resources for the children to develop their physical skills such as balls, bikes, scooters, mini trampoline and climbing frame. There are also lots of natural resources and sensory play areas such as sand, water, and digging mud kitchen area.
12.00pm- Home time!
On morning session days all the children are ready to go home and sit with their friends while they wait for their parent/carer to arrive and collect them. On days with lunch/afternoon sessions, the children not attending the lunch session are ready for collection after having a fun filled morning!
12.00pm- Start of Afternoon Session!
Children staying for the afternoon session continue to free play in the garden until it is time for lunch.
12.30/12.45pm- Lunch Time!
Children wash their hands independently and collect their lunch box from the trolley. We sit together as a group to enjoy our lunch and build social bonds and skills. This is a lovely time for lots of conversations with our friends and learning independent skills such as opening packets, using cutlery and putting our rubbish in the bin. When lunch has finished children pack away their own lunch boxes and help clean and tidy the tables.
1.30/1.45pm- Story Time!
Children and adults gather to listen to a story and songs. We often finish with a dance, the children love having these little pre-school dance parties and will often request their favourite songs!
2.15/2.30pm- Group Activity!
The children can join in an adult implemented or led group activity such as cooking, painting, gluing, group games, relaxation exercises, yoga and many more!
3.00pm- Home Time!
Children sit together and wait for their parent or carer to collect them. What a busy, wonderful and fun day we have had together!