About Us

Welcome to Holyport Pre-school. We offer children aged between 2 and 5 years old, fun and friendship with other children and adults. We are here to create a happy, safe and nurturing environment in which children can have fun and participate in a new variety of play activities through which they learn to share, discover new interests and abilities and work towards the Early Learning Goals as detailed in the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage).

We are extremely lucky to have use of the `Dhesna Childerhouse Hall for our Pre-school. This is a large modern hall that is bright with plenty of space for physical activities. We have a dedicated secure outside area so we can take the children outside on a daily basis. We welcome all families to our pre-school and support families with English as an additional language.

Holyport Pre-School has been established in Holyport Village for over 50 years, it has provided Pre-School facilities and education for generations of local families. We were established since 1965 by a group of mothers to offer Pre-School aged children in the village safe and satisfying play under skilled supervision. Holyport Pre-Shool is a committee run charitable organisation with a very good reputation both with the local community, and Educational Professionals.

Meet the Staff



NVQ 3 and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Joanne has worked at Holyport pre-school for 29 years. Joanne has dedicated lots of her personal time over the years to shape pre-school into the warm nurturing environment it is today.

Deputy Manager and SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordination Officer)


NVQ 3 and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Louise had worked at Holyport Pre-School 12 years. Louise is passionate about working closely with our families and children supporting any additional needs in her role as SENCO.

Practioner and Admissions



Josie has worked at Holyport Pre-School for 16 years. She is dedicated to supporting families as they start their journey with us through admissions, visits and the settling in process.



CACHE Level 3

Sophie has worked at Holyport Pre-School for 12 years, first starting as a volunteer. She enjoyed it so much she never left. Sophie plans lots of exciting and engaging activities for the children.